Everything You Should have to Know About Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity

Everything You Should have to Know About Tooth Sensitivity

There have always been several dental concerns in Australia and the most common one is sensitive teeth and which affect a person’s daily life in so many ways. One can identify whether they have a sensitive tooth or not if they feel their tooth hurt when drinking a freshly brewed coffee, if the ice cream makes their tooth freeze, or if brushing or flossing causes pain. 

Even though sensitivity in teeth is common in Australia, it is not something to ignore and must be taken seriously.

Initially, it may seem like a minuscule problem, just starting with a simple toothache when having a dessert or a wince while brushing or flossing your teeth. But if not treated at the right time, this simple sensitivity can get worse and cause several issues.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

It may occur to many that they have this sensitivity issue because their teeth are more sensitive compared to others. But it is not possible to simply have sensitive teeth. Sensitivity occurs over time through decay and wear. And if you are suffering from sensitivity then the chances are that there must be some underlying major issue that needs to be immediately and properly addressed.

The major causes of sensitive teeth include:

  • Gum disease: It can cause tooth loss and affect the whole mouth.
  • Tooth wear: Tends to affect one or more teeth
  • Leaky fillings: Damage to one or more teeth that have initially formed cavities.
  • Tooth decay: One or more teeth may be affected by tooth decay, and cavities may develop in either visible or non-visible areas (like between two teeth)
  • Broken teeth: Affects one or more teeth and, if untreated, can lead to a significant dental emergency (hard foods can lead to the tooth erupting)
  • Exposed roots: One or more teeth may be impacted by exposed roots, which can cause severe discomfort and harm.

As you read this list, you might be thinking, “There’s no way I have any of that!” But why do you have sensitive teeth if that’s the case? The best thing you can do is visit the dentist right away to have your teeth checked out and determine what is causing your sensitivity. Early detection will help you avoid a lot of time, money, and discomfort down the road if it turns out that any of these issues are impacting your teeth (keep in mind that all it takes is one problem with one tooth to induce sensitivity).

How to Treat Tooth Sensitivity

The American Dental Association lists the following dental procedures that could relieve tooth sensitivity:

  • Inlays, crowns, or bonding – These could eliminate sensitivity brought on by a dental cavity or decay.
  • Fluoride lotion
  • Gum graft surgery –   If the gum tissue has eroded from the root, this will safeguard it and lessen the irritation.
  • A root canal – This is a last-ditch remedy for extremely sensitive teeth. Dr. Roshanak Amrein, who has more than 20 years of expertise and is a specialist, is here to assist you.

Prevention and Response

In Adelaide Cosmetic Dentistry, they have a saying, prevention is the best medicine. If you are having tooth sensitivity, be it for a month or even a year or if you have just started to notice this problem, it is better to get to the dentist now, because the sooner you act on the problem the better it will be for you in the future. This sensitivity is not going to get better on its own nor it can get treated on its own because the problems just don’t get solved on their own you need to acknowledge it and look for the solution. And if not solve these problems can get worse and cause severe pain and ultimately tooth loss.

Call Adelaide Cosmetic Dentistry right away to schedule an appointment if you need a dental examination to identify the root of your tooth sensitivity. I can promise you that if you go ahead and have the issue fixed, you will be in both the short- and long-term better off. Postponing it could result in expensive problems and severe repercussions in the future.